

In the summer season redness in eye is a common problem and it can happen due to various reason like dusty environment ,Hot dry weather, pollen allergy, allergy due to perspiration, bacterial or viral infection due to cold cough and fever.

This season we are seeing an increase in red and itchy eye cases associated with cough and cold most likely a form of viral conjunctivitis.The symptoms resolve in 5 to 7 days. It's important to consult Eye doctor to rule out lesions on cornea .

Some household remedies that can give relief are :

1. Cold compress with ice for 5 to 10 minutes will give relief to the eyes.
2. use of sunglasses while going outside it protect eyes from sunlight and dust.
3. keep yourself hydrated by taking a lot of fluids like lime water, coconut water etc. Eat lot of juicy fruits in summer season.
4. wash your eyes with clean water at least 3-4 times a day .

if you don't get relief by above remedies visit eye specialist at NARAIN EYE CARE sector 104 noida .

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